
buddha chrysocolla peridot mala


buddha chrysocolla peridot mala


chrysocolla: fifth/throat chakra, fourth/heart chakra, first/root chakra: communication, sound, promotes expression of heart energy, expression of Truest Self, assists in release of anxiety, holds goddess energy, gentleness and power

affirmation: I listen deeply to the voice within and express it with freedom, spontaneity, passion and reverence. Ahsian

peridot resonates with the Fourth/Heart & Third/Solar Plexus Chakras: abundance, ability to receive on all levels, warmth and well-being, compassion, brings healing & harmony to relationships, encourages mental, emotional, and spiritual growth, helps to awaken one to the idea of Universal Love by saturating the Heart Chakra with higher frequency vibrations from the Universal Energy Field

affirmation: I am open to receive an abundance of love and prosperity and gifts from the Universe on all levels. Ahsian

8mm chrysocolla round beads, 8mm prehnite round beads, 3mm peridot faceted rondelle beads, howlite buddha focal bead, sterling silver components, beading wire

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chrysocolla: fifth/throat chakra, fourth/heart chakra, first/root chakra: communication, sound, promotes expression of heart energy, expression of Truest Self, assists in release of anxiety, holds goddess energy, gentleness and power

affirmation: I listen deeply to the voice within and express it with freedom, spontaneity, passion and reverence. Ahsian

peridot resonates with the Fourth/Heart & Third/Solar Plexus Chakras: abundance, ability to receive on all levels, warmth and well-being, compassion, brings healing & harmony to relationships, encourages mental, emotional, and spiritual growth, helps to awaken one to the idea of Universal Love by saturating the Heart Chakra with higher frequency vibrations from the Universal Energy Field

affirmation: I am open to receive an abundance of love and prosperity and gifts from the Universe on all levels. Ahsian

8mm chrysocolla round beads, 8mm prehnite round beads, 3mm peridot faceted rondelle beads, howlite buddha focal bead, sterling silver components, beading wire

Awaken Malas are made from gemstones and crystals which resonate with a specific energy center in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body.  You may wear the mala and simply benefit from the stones healing energy or you may wish to practice japa with a mantra or intention strengthening the vibration of the healing energy.

Mala is a Sanskrit word meaning “garland”.  A mala is a set of beads used for keeping count while chanting or mentally repeating a mantra, prayer, name of a deity or an intention.  This practice is known in Sanskrit as japa.  Touching each bead of the mala as you chant helps to focus on the meaning or sound of the words rather than counting repetitions.  Typically a mala has 108 beads, this number having special significance in Hindu and Buddhist traditions.